Reimagining Swanton Pacific Ranch Education Center
All faculty, staff and students, as well as the campus community, are invited to participate in helping to dream what the new Cal Poly Swanton Pacific Ranch (SPR) Education Center in Santa Cruz County will look like on June 6 from 1 – 4:30 p.m. at the JUSTIN and J. LOHR Center for Wine and Viticulture (Bldg. 156). The college is working to rebuild the ranch following 2020’s CZU Lightning Complex Fire. A key component of the reimagined SPR is a new Education Center that will enable SPR to facilitate the development of actionable climate-smart solutions critically needed by the state of California and beyond by facilitating regular access by students participating in field trips, weekend enterprise classes, senior projects, undergraduate research, and residential internships; Cal Poly or visiting faculty conducting research; and participants in seminars and short courses. Architects Siegel & Strain have been working for CAFES for many months on the initial design, and the project is now at a point where additional stakeholder input needs to be gathered to help inform the programming needs of the facility. Snacks will be provided. You are free to attend all or a portion of the session.